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Empower employees to buy goods and services seamlessly from approved suppliers. Reduce rogue spending risk using guided workflows.

Benefits of ShoppingHub

Improve purchase request automation

Make it easier for employees to request pricing or buy goods and services from a single catalog.

Provide transparency into purchase-request status

Keep employees apprised of the progress of their requests through self-service.

Increase compliance and spend under management

Manage tasks and automation across sourcing, negotiations, contracts, receipts, and invoices.

Features of ShoppingHub

Create a customized shopping hub for employees

Product portal

Organize supplier product information in one place for employees to shop for goods and services.

Simplify product portal ordering with purchase workflows

Guided shopping

Simplify complex requests with configurable, step-by-step workflows.

Give employees access to purchase request activity

Purchase visibility

Empower employees to track progress and know what activities are occurring.

Use shopping hub flexibilities for easy task assignments

Shopper assignments

Task shopping to-dos automatically to employees for easier delegation and purchasing fulfillment.

ShoppingHub is available with Procurement Service Management

How to get ShoppingHub

ShoppingHub is available with Sourcing and Procurement Operations. Connect purchasing processes and streamline procurement to build efficiencies. 

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Talk to an expert

Get answers to your questions and discover how ServiceNow can help you transform your business with modern digital workflows.